domingo, 11 de junio de 2017

Christopher Columbus

1. When was he born?

2. What continents were known at that time?

3. He was inspired by ......

4. In Europe spices were.....

5. What  did Columbus think it would make him rich?

6. Why did many leaders of several nations denied to pay for his trip?

7. Why did the Spanish King and queen agreed in giving him the money?

8. How many men did travel with him?

9. Columbus remained ........

10. They landed on an island of the New World in....

11. Columbus called the natives the Indians because.......

12. How many trip did he make?

13. Who realised it was a New Continent?

14. Columbus discovered a New world thanks to .....


1. He was born on October  31, 1451
2. There were 3 continents: Asia, Africa and Europe
3. He was inspired by the writings of Marco Polo
4. In Europe spices were difficult to obtain and very expensive
5. To discover a new route to the Indies
6. They thought the Earth was very big  and the  voyage too long
7.  Because the discovery of a new land would make people to convert to catholicm
8. One hundred men
9. Irresolute and unafraid
10. The American continent
11. Because he thought he was in India
12. He made 4 trips
13. Amerigo Vespucci
14. Thanks to his courage and persistence he discovered a New World

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